Friday, December 31, 2021



Happy New Year & Bonne Année 2022!

Happy New Year & Bonne Année 2022

I wish you all the best, to your family and your loved ones too.
And more importantly, I wish you a safe, healthy, meaningful, and more joyful New Year than 2020 and 2021 combined!

Full of love, hope, courage, kindness, and happiness. And filled with peace, dreams, ambitions, resolutions, goals, satisfaction, success, friendship, and lots of unforgettable moments.

2021 has been a terrible year for most of us. Probably even worst than 2020 for some of us. A year a lot of us need to forget and put to the past.  

Yet, for some others, not everything was necessarily negative and not everything has to be forgotten about this particular year. Some people have had a great year, with lots of good and positive things that happened to them. 

Personally, some of the moments and encounters I experienced this year were quite unique and beautiful, resulting in fond memories that will last forever. And I don't want to forget them, on the contrary, I want to keep them close to my heart and mind. I also changed my job in august this year, which is also a very positive thing.

This is a new year. A new beginning. And things need to change for the better. Let's make it happen and make this new year count for everyone. And let's continue to dream and have dreams. And also let's be a little crazy too 😉 ( 'cause we're never gonna survive unless we are a little crazy - Seal)

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” —Eleanor Roosevelt

Be safe and take good care of yourself and your loved ones. And give some love to each other, 'cause that's all we've got.

Thank you,



Happy New Year & Bonne Année 2022 

Je vous souhaite tout le meilleur, à votre famille et à vos proches également.
Et, plus important encore, je vous souhaite une nouvelle année sûre, saine et sauve, significative et plus joyeuse que 2020 et 2021 réunis !

Pleine d'amour, d'espoir, de courage, de gentillesse et de bonheur. Et remplie de paix, de rêves, d'ambitions, de résolutions, d'objectifs, de satisfaction, de succès, d'amitié et de nombreux moments inoubliables.

2021 a été une année terrible pour la plupart d'entre nous. Probablement encore pire que 2020 pour certains d'entre nous. Une année que beaucoup d'entre nous ont besoin d'oublier et de mettre au passé.

Pourtant, pour d'autres, tout n'était pas forcément négatif et ceux-la ne veulent pas tout oublier de cette année qui vient de passer. Certaines personnes ont eu une excellente année, avec beaucoup de choses bonnes et positives qui leur sont arrivées.

Personnellement, certains des moments et des rencontres que j'ai vécus cette année étaient assez uniques et beaux, résultant en de bons souvenirs qui dureront pour toujours. Et je ne veux pas les oublier, au contraire, je veux les garder près de mon cœur et de mon esprit. J'ai aussi changé de travail en août de cette année, ce qui est aussi une chose très positive.

C'est une année nouvelle. Un nouveau départ. Et les choses doivent changer pour le mieux. Faisons en sorte que cela se produise et faisons en sorte que cette nouvelle année compte pour tout le monde. Et continuons à rêver et à avoir des rêves. Et soyons aussi un peu fous aussi 😉 (car nous ne survivrons jamais à moins d'être un peu fous - Seal)

"L'avenir appartient à ceux qui croient en la beauté de leurs rêves." -Eleanor Roosevelt

Soyez prudent et prenez bien soin de vous et de vos proches. Et donnez-vous un peu d'amour, parce que c'est tout ce que nous avons et c'est tout ce qu'il nous reste. 



#happynewyear #newyear #wish #wishes #newyearwishes #resolutions #newyearresolutions #safe #safety #health #healthy #hope #dream #love #peace #happiness #kindness #joy #success #ledomduvin @ledomduvin ©LeDomduVin 2021

Unless stated otherwise, all right reserved ©LeDomduVin 2021 on all the contents above including, but not limited to, photos, pictures, maps, memes, posts, texts, writings, quotes, notes, tasting notes, descriptions, wine descriptions, definitions, recipes, drawings, illustrations, visuals, graphs, tables, and even music and video (when and where applicable).

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Happy New Year and Best Wishes for 2022

Happy New Year 

and Best Wishes for 2022 

With the last sunset of the year comes hopes and resolutions for the new year. I wish you all a Happy New Year 2022, filled with joy, health, wealth, success, peace, and love. Take good care of yourselves and stay safe. And give each other love, 'cause that's all we got! - Dom

Avec le dernier coucher de soleil de l'année viennent les espoirs et les résolutions pour la nouvelle année. Je vous souhaite à toutes et tous une bonne et heureuse année 2022, remplie de joie, de santé, de richesse, de réussite, de paix et d'amour. Prenez bien soin de vous et restez prudents. Et donnez-vous de l'amour, car c'est tout ce que nous avons ! - Dom

I took this picture, about a month and a half ago, while trekking the Wilson Trail, top of the Black Hill, at Tiu Keng Leng (NT, Hong Kong). The view of Victoria harbor, from there, is breathtaking and offers some of the best sunsets over the city of Hong Kong from a distance.  

NB: For those of you who may wonder, Domelgabor is another one of my aliases, mostly used for my personal creations (other than the ones I do that are related to and/or for Ledomduvin): photos, drawings, illustrations, graphs, visuals, collages, montages, videos, writings, compositions, and experimental electronic music, and many other things that go through my mind and end up being creative projects.     

Once again, Happy New Year and best wishes for 2022. Take good care of yourselves and stay safe. And give each other love, 'cause that's all we got! 

- Dom

@domelgabor @ledomduvin #lesphotosadom #happynewyear #newyear #sunset #lastsunsetoftheyear #victoriaharbour #hongkong #light #hope #resolutions #joy #health #wealth #success #peace #love #takecare #staysafe #wishes

Unless stated otherwise, all right reserved ©LeDomduVin 2021 on all the contents above including, but not limited to, photos, pictures, maps, memes, posts, texts, writings, quotes, notes, tasting notes, descriptions, wine descriptions, definitions, recipes, drawings, illustrations, visuals, graphs, tables, and even music and video (when and where applicable).

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Enrique Mendoza "Las Quebradas" Monastrell Alicante 2018

Enrique Mendoza "Las Quebradas" 

Monastrell Alicante 2018

This bottle was one of my Christmas presents. A gift from someone who knows me well, and thus, also knows that I love Spain and more especially Spanish wines. 

This is a 100% Monastrell crafted from 70-year-old vines, planted at 500 meters altitude, on rocky-calcareous soils, from "Las Quebradas" estate, located in Alicante DOP (Denominación de Origen Protegida), south-east of Spain, right below Valencia. Aged in French oak barrels for 16 months. 

And the result is really impressive, and I could have described it with my own words, (as I normally do), but after I read RP words and rating, I really had nothing to add. So here it is: 

Enrique Mendoza "Las Quebradas" Monastrell Alicante 2018

"The 2018 Las Quebradas is pure Monastrell from a dry-farmed and head-pruned vineyard with very poor soils covered in limestone boulders (caliche). It fermented with indigenous yeasts in square oak vats with manual punch-downs of the cap. It matured in Allier barrels for 16 months. It feels very young and still marked by the élevage. The palate is terribly stony and mineral with a chalky texture, serious and powerful with terrific balance. In general, these 2018s are a little more delicate and fresher than the 2017s, which were very Mediterranean." - Robert Parker's Wine Advocate, 94pts

Thank you for that bottle. It's a nice present. Highly recommended. 

Cheers! Santé! 


@ledomduvin #ledomduvin #lesphotosadom #lesvinsadom #monastrell #alicante #dop #spain #spanishwine #wine #vin #vino #wein @bodegasemendoza @bodegasenriquemendoza
#enriquemendoza #bodegasenriquemendoza #lasquebradas

Unless stated otherwise, all right reserved ©LeDomduVin 2021 on all the contents above including, but not limited to, photos, pictures, maps, memes, posts, texts, writings, quotes, notes, tasting notes, descriptions, wine descriptions, definitions, recipes, drawings, illustrations, visuals, graphs, tables, and even music and video (when and where applicable).

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Vin du lendemain...

Vin du lendemain...

Château Fortia Châteauneuf-du-Pape "Cuvée du Baron"2017

I bought this bottle the other day, late, at a local supermarket, as I needed a bottle for a last-minute event, for my son. 

I must say the selection at the local supermarket near my residence is really unimpressive, really bad I should say. 

However, amongst every other uninspiring bottle, I found this bottle, which was really the only one that talked to me at the moment. So, I bought it. 

Of course, my son forgot to bring the bottle to the event... so, I found this poor bottle alone in my kitchen and I could not leave it like this. I had to open it to give it a purpose. Yes, I know, I'm nice like this, I never let a bottle down or on her own. 😉

And the verdict: it is way too young to drink now and will take time to fully develop and attain its full potential. So, after drinking a glass of it, I decided to wait until the next day (today), to check if it would be better. 

And, 24h later, Hallelujah !!! (alleluia), even if still too young and still presenting a firm tannic structure and texture, it tasted much smoother, tamed, and integrated than the previous day.

Boasting dark berries and fruits, pepper, earth, a touch of spice, and more earthy notes and minerality, with oaky, toasted, and mocha nuances. 

It paired really well with the saucisson, as the fat mellowed down some of the edges of this wine. 

My advice, (for what it is worth), if you buy some, let it seats in your cellar for a while, as it is still too young to be enjoyed now. Yet, if you cannot wait, double decant it or open it and wait for the next day, it will be so much nicer. 

Cheers! Santé! And Happy Holidays to you and your loved ones. 


@ledomduvin #ledomduvin #lesphotosadom #wine #vin #vino #wein @chateau.fortia #chateaufortia #rhonevalley #saucisson #chateauneufdupape #rhone #france

Unless stated otherwise, all right reserved ©LeDomduVin 2021 on all the contents above including, but not limited to, photos, pictures, maps, memes, posts, texts, writings, quotes, notes, tasting notes, descriptions, wine descriptions, definitions, recipes, drawings, illustrations, visuals, graphs, tables, and even music and video (when and where applicable).

Apero time with some FOK HING GIN & Tonic

Apero time with some 


and some blessings

Fok Hing Gin "5 Blessings" Mandarin flavored

Nothing beats a good Gin and Tonic 😁👍😋😋😋😋

Fok Hing Gin is obviously a gimmick for "F**king Gin", a commercial and marketing stunt to attract consumers, which, like most controversial, tasteless, yet, smart and provocative things in life, seems to work wonders on people, as, although quite young, this brand is already quite successful.    

To expand their selection and offer a different Gin experience to their clients, Fok-Hing created a special edition gin to celebrate Chinese New Year 2021! It was the Year of the Ox, and the festivities inspired them to enhance their original classic London-style gin with mandarin orange flavors. 

Mandarins have always been a big part of the celebrations in Hong Kong (and China in general), with mandarin trees being put everywhere to complement the traditional ornaments of CNY. Mandarins symbolize good fortune, wealth, happiness, appreciation, prosperity, and all kinds of other positive words.    

The resulting Gin called Fok Hing Gin "5 blessings" is a premium Gin (about 5 times the price of their regular Gin) (around HKD588, USD75 or 66 Euros), which is both flavorful and delicious, with hints of mandarin orange (of course), and also floral and herbal scents mingling with hints of spice and white pepper nuances. 

I paired it with "Fever-Tree" Premium Indian Tonic, a company that creates some of the best-tasting mixers (I have tasted) to complement the world's finest spirits. Their Tonic is their benchmark, since 2005, but they also craft some excellent ginger beers, ginger ales, and other lightly flavored sodas as well. Highly recommended. It was delicious.  

Cheers! Santé! 


For more details, go to their website at 

Fok Hing Gin

Fever-Tree Mixers:

@ledomduvin #ledomduvin #apero #gin #ginandtonic #tonic #fokhinggin @fokhinggin #fevertree #indiantonic @fevertreefrance #spirits #lesphotosadom 

Unless stated otherwise, all right reserved ©LeDomduVin 2021 on all the contents above including, but not limited to, photos, pictures, maps, memes, posts, texts, writings, quotes, notes, tasting notes, descriptions, wine descriptions, definitions, recipes, drawings, illustrations, visuals, graphs, tables, and even music and video (when and where applicable).

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Merry Christmas and Joyeux Noël

Merry Christmas and Joyeux Noël 

to you and all your loved ones 

By @ledomduvin 2021

I wish you all a joyful, happy, and safe Christmas period and plenty of good things for this end of the year 2021. 

Take good care of yourself and your loved ones. 


@ledomduvin #ledomduvin #lesmemesadom #lesillustrationsadom #lescollagesadom #lesdessinsadom #lescreationsadom #merrychristmas #joyeuxnoel #wine #vin #vino #wein #wishes

Unless stated otherwise, all right reserved ©LeDomduVin 2021 on all the contents above including, but not limited to, photos, pictures, maps, memes, posts, texts, writings, quotes, notes, tasting notes, descriptions, wine descriptions, definitions, recipes, drawings, illustrations, visuals, graphs, tables, and even music and video (when and where applicable).

Friday, December 17, 2021

LeDomduVin: Great line up again!

Great lineup again!

As a Sommelier with over 30 years of experience, food and wine pairing is a specialty of mine. I love it, and I'm pretty good at it.

You see, even if I don't know the menu or all the ingredients of the dishes to be served, I developed some kind of a method based on my instinct, knowledge, skills, and know-how ("savoir-faire") and gut's feelings, to pair the most ideal wine (I can buy or at my availability) with each dish, and I rarely miss.

Once again, last night was a great example of this. The wines I selected to accompany our guests' menu matched perfectly with the food and showed wonderfully, too. It was a blast. 

To be fair, how can food-pairing go wrong when you serve great wines with great food? 

I love these 3 wines!

Domaine Pierre-Yves Colin-Morey Puligny-Montrachet 1er Cru "Les Folatieres" 2017

Light, crisp, racy, mineral, zesty, floral, elegant, refined, balanced, and sharp on the nose and the palate, yet packing a solid build, good strength, complexity, as well as structure and texture, like a ballerina seems delicate and fragile while being very strong, agile, flexible, coordinated and extremely precise. Love this wine. Really enjoyable and well crafted, a great match with the scallops and artichoke Risotto.

Domaine Serafin Charmes-Chambertin Grand Cru 2017

Here again, on the light to medium side, yet layered, complex, and long-lasting, boasting fresh, bright, fragrant, focused, energetic, and racy aromas of red and black cherry and berries mingling with floral, herbal, and earthy minerals, terroir-driven notes. A brilliant wine, great with the langoustine and the turbot.

Vieux Château Certan Pomerol 2016

My love for VCC is undeniable and goes back to 25 years ago when I first had the chance and was privileged to visit the cellar and taste at the barrel with Alexandre Thienpont himself. I fell in love with the wine; to this day, it is still and remains my favorite Pomerol. There is shyness, yet character and personality, distinct elegance and intelligence in this wine. Like its maker, this is a bright and generous wine with so much to give and offer when you get to know it and listen to what it has to say. Stunning with the slow-cooked lamb and roasted pigeon.

Cheers! Santé!


@ledomduvin #ledomduvin #vin #wine #vino #wein @pierreyvescolinmorey #pierreyvescolinmorey #pulignymontrachet @domaineserafin #domaineserafin #charmeschambertin #burgundy @vieuxchateaucertan #vieuxchateaucertan #pomerol #bordeaux #tastingnotes #lesphotosadom #sommelier #sommelierlife #sommlife #wineyearly #ilovemyjob 

Unless stated otherwise, all rights reserved ©LeDomduVin 2021 on all the contents above including, but not limited to, photos, pictures, maps, memes, posts, texts, writings, quotes, notes, tasting notes, descriptions, wine descriptions, definitions, recipes, drawings, illustrations, visuals, graphs, tables, and even music and video (when and where applicable).

Monday, December 13, 2021

The unknown wine...

The unknown wine...

The interesting and humbling thing about wine is that no matter how many books you've read and studied on the subject, or how many videos you've watched, or how much knowledge you have or think to have, or how many wines you've tasted and no matter how many years of experience you have, you still continue to discover, learn, comprehend, understand, appreciate and share new things, information, ideas, tastes, aromas, and flavors, as well as embracing moments and experiences with people on a daily basis.

That's why I love my job and still have the same passion, even after 30 years in the wine industry, tasting between 2500 and 5000 wines a year (up to nearly 10000, when I was working in retail, that's a staggering 192 wines per week..).. insane, but not uncommon, more especially for wine critics. 

And, yet, to be honest, despite some proudly naming themselves this way, no one is a real "wine expert", as there are so many countries and regions and people producing wines, even the best of us cannot claim to know everything. One more reason to remain humble and curious when it comes to wine (and most subjects for that matter).

The other day was a good example of it. One customer brought a bottle of Red Burgundy, an Aloxe-Corton 1999, from a producer I have never heard of before: Dubois Bernard et fils. Rings the bell to you? I must admit, it didn't for me.

Doing a little research, I learned that the winemaker, Jean-Luc Dubois, who passed away in 2009, (RIP), is now survived by his cousin, Jacques Dubois, who is the 5th generation, crafting quite a few wines from the high altitude parcels of his family's tiny 7 hectares Domaine (13 hectares depending on the source), located in Chorey-Les-Beaune, in existence since the mid-1850s.

Domaine Bernard Dubois Pere et Fils produces a few whites and mostly reds from various appellations including: 

  • Bougogne Aligoté 
  • Bourgogne Rouge
  • Chorey Les Beaune "Clos Margot" 
  • Aloxe-Corton 
  • Aloxe-Corton "Les Brunettes" 
  • Savigny-les-Beaune Blanc
  • Savigny-les-Beaune "Les Ratausses"
  • Savigny-les-Beaune Premier Cru "Clos des Guettes"
  • Beaune Premier Cru "Les Bressandes"

Most of the red wines are aged for 12-15 months in oak barrels, of which 25% are renewed each year, coming from both the forests of Allier and Vosges. The vinification takes about three weeks, with cold pre-fermentation maceration, only using natural indigenous yeasts from their own estate. 

Depending on the vintage, the wines are usually very approachable and enjoyable within the first few years, yet, time will reward the most patient of us, as these wines will definitely benefit from a few years of cellaring, and this 1999 is undoubtedly a great example of it.    

Domaine Bernard Dubois et Fils Aloxe-Corton Burgundy France 1999

A really pleasant surprise as this wine showed beautifully, boasting clean, crisp, fresh, mineral, enticing dark, and red cherry, flowers and earthy aromas and flavors enhanced by great acidity and expanding gracefully in the harmonious, structured, textured, balanced, and focused, layered palate, offering both complexity and depth, as well as purity and terroir reminiscent notes. Highly recommended. Especially at this price, this is a steal!

To discover or re-discover. 

Cheers! Santé!


@domaine_dubois_chorey @ledomduvin #wine #vin #vino #wein #tastingnotes #ledomduvin #lesphotosadom #domainebernardduboisetfils

Unless stated otherwise, all right reserved ©LeDomduVin 2021 on all the contents above including, but not limited to, photos, pictures, maps, memes, posts, texts, writings, quotes, notes, tasting notes, descriptions, wine descriptions, definitions, recipes, drawings, illustrations, visuals, graphs, tables, and even music and video (when and where applicable).

Sunday, December 12, 2021

Last night wines

Last night wines

Last night at the restaurant we had a big party and these were the wines the team and I opened, tasted, and served.  

Krug Champagne Vintage Brut 2006

A blend of 45% Pinot Noir, 35% Chardonnay, and 20% Pinot Meunier, Krug 2006 exhibits a clear champagne robe with fast crystalline bubbles. Fine, elegant nose, boasting crisp, bight floral and mineral aromas mingling with yellow stone-fruit and toasted notes. The palate is refined and finely chiseled, focused, rich and layered, with sharp acidity and a long silky finish. Loved it, yet a bit young in my opinion, it will definitely benefit from a few more years of cellaring to fully express its full potential. Not as intense and expressive as 2004, now, but will definitely be a great contender in the years to come.

Domaine François Raveneau Chablis Premier Cru "Foret" 2018

Beautifully crafted and elegant, light to medium-bodied, yet complex and structured, very fragrant and enticing right from the opening, offering attractive aromas of white flowers, citrus peel, agrumes, and stony minerality, enhanced by a razor-sharp acidity, bringing tension and precision along the expanding palate, till the end of the long-lasting finish. Highly recommended.

Maison Louis Latour Bâtard-Montrachet 2016
Interestingly, (and sorry if I offend anyone), my first reaction, at the opening, was: "It smells and tastes like popcorn in a bottle!". Rich, creamy, ample, well rounded, and layered with lots and lots of buttery aromas, yellow fruits, vanilla, brioche, and toasted notes. Maybe the results of the 8 to 10 months ageing in 100% new oak barrels. You've got to love butteriness to fully appreciate it. I will have love to see more minerality, acidity, and crispness to bring more elegance, refinement, and focus to this wine.

Château Palmer Margaux 2009
I love Palmer, but too young to drink now. Made from 52% Merlot, 41% Cabernet Sauvignon and 7% Petit Verdot, it boasts very ripe, almost jammy, dark and red fruits aromas and flavors, mingling with woody, earthy and floral notes. Rich and layered, yet offering more upfront than in the finish. Where is the elegance referred to by many critics? Maybe just a phase. A few more years will tell.

Cheers! Santé!


@ledomduvin #wine #tastingnotes #vin #wein #vino #lesphotosadom #ledomduvin #krug #domainefrancoisraveneau #maisonlouislatour #chateaupalmer

Unless stated otherwise, all right reserved ©LeDomduVin 2021 on all the contents above including, but not limited to, photos, pictures, maps, memes, posts, texts, writings, quotes, notes, tasting notes, descriptions, wine descriptions, definitions, recipes, drawings, illustrations, visuals, graphs, tables, and even music and video (when and where applicable).

Tuesday Wines

Tuesday Wines by ©LeDomduVin 2021
Tuesday Wines by ©LeDomduVin 2021

Tuesday wines... 😁👍🍷

Some of the wines I opened, tasted, and served last night. 

Bollinger PN VZ 16 (Blanc de Noirs)
This 100% Pinot Noir, crafted with 50% Vin de Reserve (reserve wine) and 50% from the 2016 vintage, from grapes harvested in vineyards located in Verzenay (abbreviated as VZ), is crisp, elegant, refined, rich, complex, and layered, with baked apple, yellow stone-fruit, fresh almond, viennoiserie, and mineral notes. Fresh and festive. 

Domaine Leflaive Puligny-Montrachet 1er Cru "Clavoillon" 2018
Undoubtedly one of my favorite producers for the past 30 years, I can only praise this beautiful wine, elegant and refined, rather light and timid, and probably too young to drink, yet, still delivering finesse, precision, structure, and focus, with notes of white flowers, yellow stone-fruit, toast, and fresh almonds, mingling with minerality and zesty acidity. Lovely. (Decanted 10 minutes before serving to give a boost)

Domaine de la Vougeraie Bâtard-Montrachet 2014
Wow! What a wine! There is something quite special and unique about this wine, where razor-sharp limey acidity collides with bright and mouth-watering minerality to enhance the precise and finely layered, structured, and textured expanding palate, boasting fresh lime, white flowers, stone's dew, yellow fruit, and toasted notes. Perfectly balanced, harmonious, and integrated. Looooved it. (Decanted 20 minutes before serving). 

Domaine Anne Gros Clos-Vougeot Grand Cru "Le Grand Maupertui" 2002
Fragile and feminine, slightly shy at the opening, it rapidly opened up, unveiling an elegantly floral nose with bright red cherry fruit, stony minerality, and earthy notes. The palate is rather light, yet, bright, chiseled, balanced, complex, satiny, tangy, and earthy at the same time. Beautifully bred and very attractive. 

Cheval Blanc Saint-Emilion Grand Cru 2001
Like the last few times, it showed wonderfully. Extremely satisfying after 30 minutes of opening. Elegant, with a velvety texture, medium body, and beautiful fruit mingling with floral and herbal, earthy notes. Gorgeous savoriness. 

Cheers! Santé! 


@ledomduvin #lesphotosadom #wine #vin #vino #wein #tastingnotes #ledomduvin #bollinger #domaineleflaive #domainedelavougeraie #domaineannegros #chevalblanc 

Unless stated otherwise, all right reserved ©LeDomduVin 2021 on all the contents above including, but not limited to, photos, pictures, maps, memes, posts, texts, writings, quotes, notes, tasting notes, descriptions, wine descriptions, definitions, recipes, drawings, illustrations, visuals, graphs, tables, and even music and video (when and where applicable).

Monday, December 6, 2021

LeDomduVin: Bottle Sizes & Dimensions (part 2)


Bottle Dimensions by ©LeDomduVin 2021
Bottle Dimensions by ©LeDomduVin 2021

Bottle Sizes & Dimensions (part 2)

I have created the above collage to complement a previous post on bottle sizes and dimensions that I wrote back in 2017. If interested, you can read it here  

This collage came to mind as I was revisiting the table I created for the previously mentioned post. I thought that creating such a collage could come quite handy as a simple yet informative visual to show the various bottle dimensions and variations in lengths and diameters at one glance.   

I had the idea to create it to show it during a Zoom meeting with my colleagues, as I'm part of a team participating in the opening of new restaurants in HK, for which I'm involved in the concept and design of the wine cellar and the creation and building of the wine lists (selections, prices, etc...). 

A visual is often better understood than a thousand words, as it speaks for itself. No explanation is needed. 

And, in case you're interested, here is the revisited and updated version of LeDomduVin Bottle Dimensions table (that I created back in 2017 for my previous post): 

Hope this post was as helpful to you as it was to me.  

Stay safe and take good care of yourselves. Best wishes to all of you for this end-of-the-year holiday.   

Cheers! Santé! 


@ledomduvin, #bottledimensions, #bottles, #dimensions, #ledomduvin, #lescollagesadom, #lescreationsadom, #lesillustrationsadom, #vin, #vino, #wein, #wine

Unless stated otherwise, all rights reserved ©LeDomduVin 2021 on all the contents above including, but not limited to, photos, pictures, maps, memes, posts, texts, writings, quotes, notes, tasting notes, descriptions, wine descriptions, definitions, recipes, drawings, illustrations, visuals, graphs, tables, and even music and video (when and where applicable).