Friday, October 13, 2017

LeDomduVin: Bottle Sizes & Dimensions

Bottle Sizes & Dimensions

To design and order custom-made Gift boxes and Shipping boxes for the company, my management asked me to provide them with bottle dimensions. 

As always, I first browsed around the Internet and found countless websites talking about bottle volumes/sizes and their respective names (and their respective ratio of 750ml contained per volume, similar to what I did in the following table), but rare were the sites really specifically detailing bottle dimensions. 

Bottle Sizes and Names Chart compiled by LeDomduVin 2017

Therefore, I decided to write this post for those of you who might be in need of detailed information on bottles dimensions (height, overall width, neck top, neck height, shoulder width, bottle body height, the bottom of the bottle, etc...) and create a table based on the measurements of actual standard bottles of different formats from various regions.

In fact, quite a few websites show you pictures of different bottles with or without dimensions, but they are not detailed enough, in my opinion. Other websites are too technical and do not necessarily offer a listing of the dimensions like in my table above and below (easy to see at one glance rather than to have to browse around various pictures or web pages).     

So, as usual, unsatisfied with my search results, I decided to do it myself. I took the measurements of the bottles I had on hand at the office and in our cellars to create the following easy-to-read "Bottle Dimensions" table. 

Then, I posted it on my blog as it could be useful for some of you needing these kinds of details. 

I always go by the principle that if I'm looking for something and can not find it on the Internet, then at least one person in the world must have the same issue as me. I'm sure you might be interested in finding the kind of detailed table I did below for this particular subject about "Bottle Dimensions" (measurements of sizes and formats).

So here it is. 

Bottles Dimensions


Wine Bottle Parts © LeDomduVin 2017

In my "Bottle Dimensions" table below, you will notice a few things:
  • The measurements are in Centimeters as the metric system is easier for me (sorry for those of you who are using the Imperial system). 
  • The measurements are mostly "ranges" due to bottle dimension variations. It is understandable, as creating a table for each unique specific bottle would have proved impossible as there are so many wine bottle shapes, forms, and sizes. Therefore, the variations ranges apply to the most common bottles found in the market. So-called "standard" bottles.  
  • There is no measurement for the "shoulder". As for the human body, it is difficult to really define where the "Neck" stops and where the "Shoulder" begins... it is a grey area, so I leave it up to you to decide and be the judge of that...😉

Consequently, the bottle "Body" measurements are approximate and may vary depending on your judgment, yet it is roughly measured from the bottom of the "Shoulder" to the bottom of the bottle.

Bottle Dimensions and Sizes measured by LeDomduVin © 2017

Some bottle sizes and measurements are surely missing as this table is non-exhaustive and only reflects the bottles I had on hand at the time. Hope it helps.     

Bottle shapes

I took a few pictures this afternoon while measuring the bottles at the office and in one of our cellars to show you the differences in the bottle's shapes and sizes.

750 ml Bottles of various shapes ©LeDomduVin2017

DRC Romanee Conti 750ml ©LeDomduVin2017

Paul Jaboulet Hermitage 750ml ©LeDomduVin 2017

Petrus 1961 750ml and Magnum and Gruaud Larose 5 liters and 6 Liters ©LeDomduVin 2017

Guigal Ex-Voto 750ml and Chapoutier ermitage Le Pavillon 3 Liters ©LeDomduVin 2017

Yquem 375ml and 5 Liters ©LeDomduVin 2017

Voila... Hope it will maybe help some of you. 


LeDomduVin a.k.a Dominique Noel

#lesphotosadom, #lesillustrationsadom, #lesdessinsadom, @ledomduvin, #ledomduvin, #bottledimensions, #bottleshapes, #wine, #vin, #vino, #wein

Unless stated otherwise, all rights reserved ©LeDomduVin, on all the contents above including, but not limited to, photos, pictures, drawings, illustrations, visuals, maps, memes, posts, texts, writings, quotes, notes, tasting notes, descriptions, wine descriptions, definitions, recipes, graphs, tables, and even music and video (when and where applicable).


  1. this seems like a really awesome read leDom I have procured the services of essay writing services I hope they will be giving me such leads too

  2. Thank you Rene for your comment.

    Glad you enjoyed reading this post.
    Hope it will be helpful.
    Not sure if "essay writing service" will give you such leads, but you never know...

    LeDomduVin a.k.a Dominique Noel

  3. I can see that you are an expert at your field! I am launching a website soon, and your information will be very useful for me.. download instagram stories

    1. I'm not an expert as there is always something new to learn and the world of wine has evolved tremendously over the last 30 years of my career in the wine industry. However, I'm glad if you find the information in this post useful. Thank you.

  4. wow, you give the nice information about bottle thanks for posting it I love this article very much thanks for posting it.

    1. Thank you for your comments, much appreciated.
