Thursday, January 4, 2018



After living in Hong Kong for nearly 7 years, I think that I have seen it all in terms of lack of manners, politeness, social skills and inadequate behaviors. I could write a whole book about it. Yet, instead I will just share with you a little drawing of my composition that resumes quite well the 4 most irritable things that are part of the culture and the traditions and thus people's everyday life in Hong Kong. And if you try to say something they will usually give you a startled look as an answer as for them it is perfectly natural and they do not see any problems doing it to your face. Common courtesy is not a thing in Hong Kong, and you better get used to it if you want to survive this concrete jungle.

Try to live with all the above (and much more).... everyday.... 




  1. Neil, thank you for your comment.
    I'm glad to share it, as It is definitely good and important to know that if you come to Hong Kong, don't be surprised if people
    - spit, cough, sneeze, in your face
    - elbow you or walk on your shoes
    - close the elevator door while you are trying to enter (or exit)
    - squeeze right in front of you in the queue
    - never say sorry or excuse me
    - have no manners or no respect of certain things
    - never smile

    After a while you get used to it (I have been in HK for 7 years), but at first and for a little while, it is very often annoying, enervating and disturbing somehow...


  2. You are absolutely right. I also spent 5 years in Hong Kong. And I think so too I think you should write a book about the court of Hong Kong and its laws. I was seeing undergraduate psychology dissertation so I saw your content. its very interesting thanks for sharing this unique article.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

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